Presenting the trending colours of 2018!

Colours are the breathing, living, palpating evidence of life. They represent their own distinctive beauty and identity. Every year, home décor sees the trending change of hues that would rule their homes like an established reign and a magnificent kingdom.
Palette of colours that will touch and shape the décor of homes are as follows-


  • Octane Blue and its gradients:

Exceptionally rich in colour, and unused much- Octane Blue and its variant shades are decisively and rightly, going to steal your home’s breath away.



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  • Jewel toned colours:

From wine red elements to a tinge of deep ochre in your home, from emerald green to vibrant jewel blue. Trending this year, jewel tones of various hues!



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  • Complementing shades of Green and Blue:

Absolutely mesmerising, the two spectrum of colours- green and blue- would beautifully complement each other, together, to create one peaceful and cool home.

(Know more on how colours can affect moods and ambience at- )



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  • Shades of Cerulean Blue:

Cerulean blue is a breath of fresh life, its shades bringing the aura of grandeur and strength, of calmness and quirky sophistication to your home. 2018 will see its shades colour homes in all its silent and grand beauty.



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Coloured Ceilings!

A trend that is magnificently going to take over the homes of 2k18 is the patterned joy of  ceiling’s colour moving away from the regularised off white and cream. With broadened designs and bright colours, the ceilings would be the sparkling sky of hues right in your lovely room.


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